Heather C. James, M.D.
Rebecca B. Raby, M.D.

Insurance Info

Dr. James and Dr. Raby participate in all area insurance plans. They are preferred providers for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama and are also providers for Medicare, United Health Care, and TriCare. If you have a question about your policy, please give us a call. We do not knowingly exclude any area health plans. Some insurance plans require a referral from your primary care physician. If you are not sure if you need a referral, please contact your insurance provider or our insurance office. We would be happy to assist you.

Often allergy testing is considered a major medical benefit and may be applied toward your deductible. We encourage you to check your allergy coverage benefits prior to testing and prior to allergy shots should those be required. Allergy shots are not required for everyone and are certainly not an issue at your initial visit. Allergies can often be treated with medications and environmental control measures.